Many fireplace owners have chimney inspection on their fall to-do list. However, at Lou Curley’s Chimney Service, we recommend bumping this maintenance up a few months. There are countless benefits to schedule your inspection and sweeping now. Our team would be happy to assist you. Why is now an ideal team to get your inspection? Learn more below. Then, give our team a call today. We’d love to set something up for you!
Beat The Crowds
Cold weather inspires many people to start lighting up fires in their fireplace, but this shouldn’t be done without first investing in an inspection. Because of this, we get lots of calls from people hoping to get some last-minute maintenance done before the holidays, and our books fill up fast. The longer you put it off, the harder it will be to find a time that’s convenient for your schedule.
Not to mention, if we spot any damages that need addressing, you’ll need to go through the scheduling process again. Save yourself the stress and hassle by booking your appointment today!
Address Repairs
Repairs done in warmer weather typically yield the best results. Why? Well, most chimney repair jobs use materials that need to cure, and rain, snow, and cold weather can inhibit this process. Summertime offers an ideal temperature range, and there’s a smaller chance of bad weather too!
Do You Need A Sweeping, Too?
Many times, when we perform an inspection, we’ll notice excess creosote deposits that need to be removed. Creosote is extremely flammable, and too much of it can cause a chimney fire to occur. Chimney fires cause lots of damage, weakening your structure significantly and making your fireplace unsafe for use. Avoiding this type of buildup is a must when it comes to operating your system as safely as possible.
Why Trust Lou & His Crew?
Lou Curley’s Chimney Service has been around since 2009. We have been providing homeowners with the high-quality and mess-free chimney care they deserve. The CSIA, NFI, and FIRE certified sweeps that make up our team are dedicated to being the best in their field, ensuring you can use your fireplace with peace of mind this burning season.
If you are looking to get an inspection before cooler temperatures come back around, then the time to call is now. Our team would be happy to assist you every step of the way, and if we spot damages or buildup, we can recommend further action. Call today and we can get started!