by Lou Curley | Feb 18, 2015 | Fireplace Cleaning
Today’s fireplaces serve the dual purpose of providing warmth and acting as attractive interior design pieces. This mixture of function and design works well when you pay attention to maintenance. If maintenance is ignored, you will eventually start to have problems,... by Lou Curley | Feb 18, 2015 | Fire Safety
The fireplace not only makes a room cozy and warm, it can create the right mood in many situations. However, if it is not working properly, you will not be able to enjoy this appliance to its full extent. A gas fireplace requires less work than a traditional wood... by Lou Curley | Feb 18, 2015 | Chimney Cleaning
Homeowners and landlords alike should not put off cleaning chimneys, fireplaces, and other areas in the home. It’s easy to neglect this and end up with a major problem over time. If you have a fireplace that you are using on a regular basis, or you are planning on... by Lou Curley | Feb 18, 2015 | Chimney Inspection
CSIA is the acronym for Chimney Safety Institute of America; the only chimney sweep certification that is that is nationally recognized as a sign of a qualified chimney service provider. The CSIA is, according to their website, committed to the elimination of... by Lou Curley | Feb 18, 2015 | Fire Safety
Millions of people today have washer and dryers in their home. They’re an absolute necessity when doing laundry, and there are some great things that come through within this solution. However, when you start to break things down a bit, you are going to realize that...