How to Clean Your Fireplace

  Cleaning your fireplace is necessary throughout the colder months, because a buildup of ashes or creosote can be very dangerous for your family and your house. As long as you clean your fireplace regularly, it will not be as large of a project as you might...

Fireplace Safety with Holiday Decorations

  Fireplace safety is an ever-present concern, and it is something that every family member should be aware of. During the holidays, however, there is one additional concern, setting up holiday decorations. You will have to take extra care to ensure that the...

6 Ways to Maintain Your Fireplace

  Your fireplace will give you a cozy place to sit and relax with family and friends over the colder months. In order to get the most out of your fireplace though, you will want to know how to properly maintain it. Here are 6 ways to maintain your fireplace:...