While chimneys generally last for many years, they will need a lot of protection during that time. The location of a chimney leaves it exposed to varying weather conditions, which can be tough enough on the structure, but there are other dangers to consider. Chimneys are more fragile than they seem without the necessary care, so keep reading to learn about the different ways to protect yours.

Chimney Caps

If you leave your chimney open you are certain to have problems in the future. This is a welcome sight to birds and many types of small critters who may decide to make the chimney home. Very quickly the chimney could become blocked and you may not realize it until you start to use it.

Rain can cause different problems for the structure as well. If the water mixes with creosote it will cause foul odors to enter the home. Water that enters the chimney can eventually cause metal components to rust, forcing you to replace them earlier than normal.


Even if you have a cap on your chimney, you need to take further steps to prevent water intrusion. Water can seep in through the flashing or the masonry leading to problems inside the structure. Even worse, moisture can lead to significant damage to the chimney’s masonry. When water inside the masonry freezes, it severely weakens the chimney over time. In just a few years you could be looking at costly repairs. You may even have to replace the entire chimney. The best chimney waterproofing products will keep out most of the moisture, while allowing the masonry to breathe. This will keep any moisture that gets in from being trapped inside.

Regular Sweeping

Regular maintenance is still the best way to ensure that your chimney is always in top shape. A chimney sweep can inspect the chimney, wood burning stove, fireplace and flues. The chimney sweep is also the best person to install your chimney cap. You can even ask for advice on the most suitable chimney waterproofing products. Getting an inspection before winter will also give you time to make any necessary repairs.

Chimneys do need a lot of protection if you want them to last for as long as possible. When the next winter season rolls around, you can be comfortable knowing that you did everything necessary to ensure the safety of your family. Give us a call at Lou Curley’s Chimney Service at 610-626-2439 if you would like to schedule a chimney inspection or cleaning. Both of our chimney sweeps are CSIA (Chimney Safety Institute of America) certified and we focus on continuing our education in our field every year so we can better serve you.